MANTION is now producing an alcohol hand gel dispenser stand
Everybody needs a Totem now more than ever!
With our high-performance fourth generation production tools, MANTION has stepped up to the mark and shown its agility and talent during the current health crisis.
The need to protect the health of our employees during the roll-out of our business continuity plan combined with the local demand from shopkeeper and retailer associations, restaurant owners and equipment distributors, who were also looking for means of protection during the COVID 19 crisis, led us to draw up specifications for this product.
We then took the real market needs on board, applied our expert technical skills and put our versatile industrial facilities to work to develop a TOTEM dispenser stand that is user-friendly, cost-effective and meets the new demand created by the COVID 19 pandemic.
The technical experts in MANTION’s design office and sheet metal workshop designed a simple product and launched its production on our versatile industrial facilities.
What a success!
A lot of users have expressed support for MANTION since mid-May. Besançon city council and the Prefecture of the Doubs department are planning to spread the word to local authorities and place orders.
In Besançon city centre, brands such as Pharmacie centrale on Grande Rue, Napapijri on rue Bersot, Lilie Rose on rue des Granges, the restaurant L’Annexe and many more are very pleased with our product.
Local newspaper La Presse Bisontine visited MANTION on 5 June. You can read local journalist Eric Chollet’s article about his visit here (in French): https://www.lapressedudoubs.fr/besancon-lentreprise-mantion-realise-un-distributeur-de-gel-hydroalcoolique/